Multimillion-Dollar Kensi Clubroom Upgrade One Step Closer

The first major upgrade of Kensington Cricket Club’s home in more than 50 years could become reality after Burnside Council agreed to chip in a large chunk of the expense.


  1. lance(spog) raymond on November 20, 2020 at 1:17 am

    It is good to get this email of the club goings on. I recently sent a subscription($100) and would like to avail the time to see some of the matches. Unfortunately I am involved with another sport on saturdays(golf) but would like to see a few matches on some sundays but have not got any printed dates. Could a copy be emailed to me.
    My last involvement with the club was in about 1984 coaching the club but did not have the time afterwards as I was working in Real Estate from 1985.
    Was surprised to see the club was 100y/o as my first involvement was in the schoolboys in 1949(a long time ago) and captained them the following year. I am now 87y/o. Lucky enough to play in premierships in all grades(A.B and C)
    Thanks in anticipation. Spog

    • D E on November 20, 2020 at 1:42 am

      Hello Spog,

      Great to hear from you, if you go to the categories on top of the homepage you will see ‘My Cricket’. Click on that and then go to ‘Fixtures’, there you will see all the season’s game fixtures for all grades. Thank you for your subscription, much appreciated.
      David Eckert

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